
How does AustralianFlirts handle the data that is being collected.

During the registration process and the use of AustralianFlirts user information is required. Without this information you can not participate in the services offered by AustralianFlirts. This is a dating site where users are matched on the basis of their declared preferences.

All data, whether it is personal information such as an email address, address, ethnic preferences, height, hair color, sexual orientation, payment information or other information which enables us to identify you, is considered and treated as highly personal information. AustralianFlirts respects this information and will treat it with the greatest confidentiality at all times.


As a user of AustralianFlirts you grant permission for the use of intellectual property rights with regard to the content that is provided by you. This license includes in particular the right of AustralianFlirts to reproduce, display, adapt, translate, scan and transfer the content relating to profiles (information, photos, videos, descriptions, search criteria, etc.)

How do we use your personal information?

With your explicit consent we use your personal information for various purposes such as updates about our product, (personal) news, notifications about messages that you receive from other users and analysing user behaviour at AustralianFlirts

How do we release your personal information?

We are free to deliver all your personal information to our affiliates to make it possible for them to send you information about their products or services in which you might be interested. We will also provide your personal information to our service providers. Think of Payment Providers or services which make it possible for you to pay through telephone. We only provide information which is strictly necessary for the functioning of the website.

In case authorized public bodies ask for the disclosure of your personal information participation will be conferred. We will also disclose your information in case we believe that disclosure would be a necessary measure in order to protect our rights or agreements or to enforce our agreements, policies and rules with regard to the use of AustralianFlirts.

In no event we will sell or rent your personal data for marketing purposes to third parties without your consent. However, your personal data may be used to gather information in conjunction with other advertisement parties for marketing and promotional purposes. But only in cases where you can not be personally identified.

Keep your personal information and password to yourself

Never publish, share or distribute personal information that you do not want other people to see on forums, blogs or in chat rooms. When other people ask you for your personal information then please be aware that this may not be an employee of AustralianFlirts. Feel free to ask some critical questions to make sure you are dealing with an employee of AustralianFlirts. Never share your username or password with others. When you lose your password there is a possibility that you lose control over your personal information and legal action on your part might be necessary. In case you suspect that your password has been made public to third parties, immediately change the password and/or contact our customer service.

The content of external links is not controlled by us. That is the responsibility and liability of the respective provider. However, in regard to the provision that materials of any person entitled to be removed if they infringe their rights.

Assess, change or delete your personal information

Once you are registered you can review, change and delete your personal information. This includes your email address, your city, province, postal code, country, password and profile data.

We would like you to change your information accurately by logging in to your account and check all the information you provided. We strongly recommend you to change your password regularly. This reduces the risk of unwanted access to your account.

At your request we remove information that you have provided. However, information regarding unsolved complaints we retain, so it is available in case old complaints should become relevant again. Information that you have shared with other members shall not be disclosed by us to other parties. However, it is not within our control to check what members do with the information that you have provided to them.


AustralianFlirts takes all the necessary measures to ensure your information is protected against abuse and/or modifications. In order to do so we use tried and tested methods such as firewalls. Complete security on the internet will probably never exist but our team is doing everything to protect your personal data as well as possible.


You can at any time ask us to provide you with all your information. To the extent permitted, this content will be made available to you. Personal information can be changed or deleted at the website. Besides that you can also contact our support desk.

The use of cookies

AustralianFlirts collects, in case you allow it, cookies which are stored and used to make your online experience much more pleasant and more personal. As a result, you for example do not have to enter your username and password each time you visit our website but you can log in easily right away. Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored onto your hard drive by your web browser. Cookies can store information that you as a user enter on a website in order to make browsing through the rest of the website much more easy. Moreover, cookies make it easier to browse from one website to another and as a result make it easier to complete transactions. Most major web browsers initially accept cookies unless you change the settings. You can set your internet browser to notify you each time a cookie is downloaded. Besides that you can also block the downloading of cookies by third parties. Please note that if you choose to block all cookies, certain parts of AustralianFlirts will not function properly. Do you wish to receive more information about the cookies we collect? Then please read the section; -Cookies that make sure that the website is functioning properly-.AustralianFlirts may also use pixel tags and so called webbeacons that collect information about the use of the site. This is used for example in advertising and e-mailings. This information allows us to personalize our services. Personal correspondence, such as emails, but also information and complaints about your behaviour and the messages you send can be collected in a file. However, this information can only be viewed by an employee of AustralianFlirts or a body authorized for this purpose.

Cookies that ensure the website functions properly

Our website uses cookies to:
  1. Remember products that you add to your shopping basket when shopping online
  2. Remember information that you enter on various different pages during the payment or ordering process, so you do not have to fill out this information again each time
  3. Store the information that you have entered on one page to transfer it to another page, for example when filling out a long survey or if you have to fill out a lot of data, for example when ordering something online
  4. Store preferences, such as language, location, the desired number of displayed search results, etc.
  5. Store settings that enable optimal video performance, such as the required buffer size and the resolution information of your screen
  6. Read your browser settings in order to optimise the display of our website on your screen
  7. Detect abuse of our website and services, for example by registering the number of consecutive failed login attempts
  8. Burden our website's servers evenly in order to keep the website running smoothly
  9. Offer the ability to store login details so you do not need to re-enter them each time you want to log in
  10. Make it possible to react to our website

Below you can find a list of the cookies we use including which data they collect and how long they are used.
Name Posted by How long
ASP.NET_SessionId The website you are visiting 1 year
maCookie The website you are visiting 1 year
refererCodes The website you are visiting 48 hours
mas The website you are visiting 1 year
allow_cookie The website you are visiting 1 year

Cookies with which we can measure the usage of the website

To determine which parts of the site are the most interesting to our visitors, we try to measure the amount of visitors and the pages they visit using third party software. In order to do so, we use cookies.

The information we collect is turned into statistics which give us insights into the number of visitors and which parts of the websites are the most popular. As a result we are able to structure the navigation and content of our website as user friendly as possible. None of our users are identifiable in these statistics and other reports.

We use cookies to:
  1. Keep track of the number of visitors on our websites
  2. Keep track of the length of time each visitor spends on our websites
  3. Determine the order in which a visitor browses through various pages of our websites
  4. Optimise the website

With regard to the cookies that are used by our third-party sides and the possible data they collect with them, we would like to refer to the statements these parties put on their own websites, see the links below. Please note that these statements may change regularly. AustralianFlirts has no influence on that.

Google: Google

Cookies that collect behavioural data in order to provide suitable web content

Our goal is to provide visitors of our website with information that is as relevant as possible for them. That means that we try to customize our website as much as possible to fit the needs of every individual user. We do not only do this through the content on our website, but also through the ads that are displayed.

In order for us to make these personal adjustments we try using the websites that you visit to develop an idea of your presumed interests, without building a profile or identifying you as a person. Based on this information we adapt the content and advertising on our website for different target groups. This means that according to your online behaviour you will fit in a certain category, such as 'men in the age group 20-30 years old, married and children with an interest in football.' This group will then, of course, get different advertisements than the another ad segment, for example 'woman, age group 20-30 years old, unmarried and with an interest in travel'.

Third parties who place cookies on our website can also discover your interests in a similar way. The information about your current website visit can be combined with information from previous visits to websites other than our own.

If such cookies are not used it does not mean that you will not get advertisements on our website anymore. The advertisements are only no longer tailored to your interests.

These cookies allow websites:
  1. to register your visits to make an assessment of your interests
  2. to determine whether you clicked an advertisement
  3. transmit information about your online behaviour to other websites
  4. to use third-party services to serve you with fitting ads
  5. display interesting ads based on your use of social media

Browser settings

If you do not want websites to put cookies on your computer, you can adjust your browser settings so that you get a warning when cookies are placed. You can also set your browser to block all cookies or only cookies from third parties. Moreover you can remove cookies that have already been stored on your computer. Please note that you should adjust these settings for every single browser and computer you use.

Please also note that we can not guarantee the full functioning of our website when you turn cookies off. You may lose some of the features of the site or even may not be able to view certain websites at all. Furthermore, turning cookies off or enabling \"do not track\" does not mean that you will not see any advertisements anymore. Advertisements will only no longer be personalized and will be repeated more often.

How to change your settings varies from one browser to another. If necessary, refer to the help function of your browser. Would you like to turn off cookies from specific parties, then you can go to

Concluding remarks

This information was published for the first time on November 1, 2012. It may be that the summary stated above, despite all our efforts, is not 100% complete yet. We are working on completing it. Should you encounter a cookie that is not on the list, please report it to us via our customer service.

We will provide these statements occasionally have to adjust , because, for example modify our website or the rules around cookies. We , the content of the statements and the cookies that are included in the lists always change without warning . You can consult this web page for the latest version.